Spirulina and its extraordinary properties
The peculiarity lies in the natural proportion of all nutrients contained in it and in easily digestible by the body. Each element provides a specific benefit but it is the synergistic effect of all these elements to give the Spirulina its extraordinary properties. The nutritional composition present in Spirulina are made up of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, vitamins and minerals
Spirulina contains up to 70% of highly assimilable proteins (94% of the absorption coefficient). This easy digestibility is particularly important for people who suffer from intestinal malabsorption. The protein content is 2.5 times higher than that of lean meat. It contains all the essential amino acids or those that our body needs to take it from. Taken within a strict vegetarian diet, it provides lysine and methionine. To assess the potential we report the protein content of various foods: – Eggs 13.3% – Soybean 43.2% – Grain 29.2% – Peanuts 25.3% – Spirulina 65% The comparison is clear that the Spirulina constitutes the highest and most powerful source of digestible protein.
Spirulina contains from 10 to 15% of carbohydrates in the form of polysaccharides. The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body. They provide about 50-70% of the total energy required by the body (1 g of carbohydrate provides 4 kcal of energy). In addition to providing ready fuel, carbohydrates play a vital role in maintaining the proper functioning of the liver, central nervous system, heart and muscle contraction. Due to its composition Spirulina is a great source of quick energy for our body
The lipids are soluble organic substances in solvents such as alcohol, ether and chloroform, but insoluble in water. Humans are biological membranes of all cells, they are accumulated in the storage tissue as an energy reserve and are found in the blood stream into complex structures known as plasma lipoproteins. The most common sources of lipids are: milk, cheese, olive oil, walnuts, canola, soybean, flaxseed, salmon and mackerel. Lipids are the richest source of energy and humans it is immagazinata as a deposit in order to provide power if you can not get from carbohydrates (1 g of fat provides 9 kcal of energy). A drastic reduction of the consumption of fats leads to weight loss and weakness. Fat is necessary because: – Serve as vehicles for the absorption of vitamins as A, D, E and K; – Help the proper development in the growth; – Help in the formation of all cell membranes. Spirulina contains about 7% of lipids of which numerous essential fatty acids. Among these the most significant are the linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acids which give the Spirulina the caratteristicha to normalize the cholesterol content in the blood.
Spirulina also contains some important natural pigments: chlorophyll, carotenoids and phycocyanin. This mixture of pigments provides an important antioxidant activity, increases the natural defenses, stimulates the formation of red blood cells and promotes muscle activity possessing beta-carotene fifteen times more than carrots.
Chlorophyll performs several tasks: It has an important role in the maintenance hemoglobin in the body. For this reason the Spirulina can be useful in certain anemias (e.g. low concentrations of hemoglobin in the blood). It has beneficial effects on the digestive system. It normalizes the secretion of acid in the stomach by stimulating the bowel peristaltic movements that facilitate the passage of stool. It helps the regeneration of damaged cells. It can increase the efficiency of the heart’s pumping function
The phycocyanin is the most important pigment in Spirulina and is well contained 14% of its whole weight. This pigment is involved in various functions of the body such as digestion of amino acids, stimulation of the defense system and the construction of the blood cells.
Spirulina has a high content of natural carotenoids, precursors and the producers of vitamin A, The advantage of carotenoids lies in the fact that are convertible into vitamin A only when the body needs it. In this way it is reduced to a minimum the possibility of an overdose of vitamin A, and then the side effects resulting from it. In addition, carotenoids have a high antioxidant that fights free radicals responsible for cell aging. They contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease by inhibiting the damage caused by cholesterol on artery walls. They stimulate the immune system and induce a ‘protective action of the eyes. Experimental studies suggest that a diet with high intake of carotene offers protection against the development of certain cancers.
Vitamins are organic compounds that our body requires in relatively small quantities. Vitamins are used for a proper functioning of the metabolism and the maintenance of general health. Spirulina contains many essential vitamins and among these is vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, biotin, thiamin B1, riboflavin B2, B3 niacin, B5 pantothenic acid, pyridoxine B6, B9 and B12, folic acid, cobalamin . Its exceptionally rich in vitamin B12 is a good ally for vegetarians. B1 and B2 vitamins are anti-stress vitamins. Vitamin B9 plays an essential role in the production of genetic material and in cell growth. Vitamin E acts as an anti-aging. Spirulina contains all these vitamins, healthy keeps the human body and also helps to prevent disturbances arising from their deficiency.
Minerals are essential elements for life and human health. Spirulina contains a large number and its intake can help in the prevention of various disorders arising from their deficiency. The man needs many minerals essential for proper functioning of all the enzymatic systems and many other physiological functions. Spirulina contains numerous minerals such as, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and traces of many other minerals. Among the most important are the calcium, content in spirulina well 2 times more than milk. Magnesium promotes the absorption of calcium and helps regulate blood pressure. Iodine and sodium are contained at low levels and therefore is not a problem for those who place a low-salt diet.
The best natural iron supplement
Iron is a mineral that is recorded shortages around the world, particularly in women, children and the elderly. Iron is essential for a healthy immune system and strong red blood cells. The iron contained in Spirulina is easily absorbed by the human body and is more easily absorbed than the iron content in fruits and vegetables.